Race in zero-gs with thermonuclear power! Atomic Racer is a multiplayer rocket racing game.

SA Game Jam 2020 Info:

- 48hrs Hobbyist Category 

-  I didn't have enough time to work in the recovery mechanic (for the theme). Wanted to add a slipstream mechanic that would allow a player that is falling behind to build up a temporary boost.

AD or Left, Right - Add torque/turning thrust

W or Up - Thrusters

Space, Down or S - Brakes

Escape or Backspace - Quit Race

Art, Programming, Design: Nick Cuthbert

Game Engine: Unity
Network Middleware: Photon
Other unity assets used: Amplify Shader Editor
Soundtrack:  Andre Jetson - Bipolar (Original Mix)
Sound Effects: Bfxr (sound effect tool)

A note for mac users:

The mac build has not been tested. The windows build hasn't really been tested for that matter either 

Download Info:

The post jam version is the one to download. It contains a bug fix that should hopefully fix a networking issue.


AtomicRacerPostJamBugFix.zip 48 MB
AtomicRacersMacBuildSAGJ2020.app.zip 52 MB
AtomicRacingSAGJBuild.zip 48 MB


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This was a lot of chaotic fun to play, would definitely like an opportunity to play this with a full lobby as I can imagine it being a complete mess, which feels like it would only add to the enjoyment of the racing and crashing around.

One comment I could make is that the cartoony movement and style feels at odds with the force at which you hit walls, also given how they look it could maybe feel better if there was some form of slight bounce.